Friday, January 20, 2012

Flashback Friday: Little Boys

Remember this little guy? This was one year ago....Andrew was so small, so quiet, so easy.

And, while my littlest man is still a super easy going kid...he's no longer small [he's only about 12 pounds lighter than Parker at 26 lbs.], he's no longer quiet [you should hear the lungs on this kid], he's no longer walking everywhere- he's running, he talks to us, he dances, he plays with cars, trucks, and anything else that he sees his big bro playing with. He loves hats of every kind. He loves to pretend like he's cooking. He loves the vacuum. He loves Blues Clues. He loves puzzles. He loves cookies [Oreos to be exact]. He loves grapes. He loves pizza and Fruit Loops. He loves to put on Brandon's slippers and he gets upset if he catches Brandon wearing them. He loves to play tug-o-war with Bella. He loves to pretend like he's playing on the X-Box with fact, he loves to do ANYTHING that Parker is doing and believes with his whole heart that he knows how to play Parker's DS. Andrew loves his brother. He loves his DaDa. And, he loves his Momma.

Andrew has quite a vocabulary. He can say Momma, Dada, Bubba, Bella, bowl, car, more, please, book, dog, bues cues [Blues Clues], he can shake his head yes, and yes, he even has his own sign for 'I Love You'. He can say socks, shoes, and he knows so many more than that [he just can't say them]...he is one smart cookie!

Like my Parker always did, Andrew LOVES to be outside.

My baby boy is no longer a baby, but he is our little Andrew-Man. We can't imagine what life would be like without him. He is my sugar and our 'little Bubba'. And, today he is 14 months old!

[Unfortunately, our camera has been broken for a few weeks...we've ordered the new part and will have it fixed, here is a video of my boys doing something they love to do. They are putting on a puppet show.}

Remember these hands from last year?

Well, they are even bigger. They've done so much this past year and the boy that they belong to is one amazing kid. Parker is so smart. He is learning how to read. He is writing his name, his middle name, and his last name....thank you to the teachers at preschool. He has the best imagination. He loves his friends. He loves to play games. He loves his cousins. He loves to watch the Wild Kratts. He loves to teach his brother how to do things....but, he also loves to torment his brother. He loves to eat...and he will try to eat anything...but can't guarantee that he won't gag upon trying it. He loves to go camping. He loves to help set the table and make dinner. He loves to play on his DS, the X-Box, his computer, and the iPad [he is just like his dad]. He loves to visit his grandparents. He loves to go to the park and he loves to invite his friends over to play. He loves going to daycare and preschool and has grown so much this year because of these two places. Parker loves his dad. He loves his brother. And, he is still a Momma's boy...and is such a loving boy.

Whew! I love these flashbacks and I love to see just how much my boys have grown in the past year. So much has changed this year....I am absolutely in love with my family and all that they are!

Happy Friday!!

**Thank you to all of our friends who have checked in on us this week! Our week has gotten much better!! We love all of you and are very blessed to have YOU in our lives! Isn't it funny how something yucky happening, makes us more aware of our actions, our words, and our perspective on this crazy life?

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