Sunday, January 1, 2012


I read quite a few blogs and it's been very interesting to read those blogs today and see what others are doing in light of the New Year. It's been intriguing to me that quite a few of them have decided to use one word to describe their hopes and ambitions for 2012. I've read a few that said they are going to 'embrace' 2012. One that used the word 'happiness' and one that used the word 'hope'. And, this got me thinking....what are my goals for 2012? How can I sum up everything I hope to do this year in just one, tiny word?

Then it clicked. I knew exactly how to say it.


I know this word can take on many meanings in many different contexts. But, for us, in 2012, our resolution is to simplify our lives. The Riffel Family needs to take a few steps back in time and slow down life a little bit. Part of this is letting go of activities so that our lives aren't filled to the brim with things to do. Part of this will be eliminating clutter in our home (which we've already started should see our Goodwill boxes). Part of this is cutting back on all of the things we think we need and really working on the quality of our time together. Part of this is starting new hobbies that ask more of us than browsing the Internet. I think you're starting to get the picture.

The part of this word that has the biggest impact on my individual, a-type personality world....not sweating the small stuff. Keep it simple. Make moments matter without trying so hard.

So, for those of you out there who have mastered this with your family....if you have any tips, theories, ideas...please pass them on- I'm open to doing anything that slows us down a notch.

Here's to 'living the simple life' in 2012!!

(I've just ordered this adorable sign from a cute little shop on Etsy. It will be hung in our living room this year to remind us of our 2012 resolution!!)

1 comment:

sweet southern inspiration said...

Thank you so much for linking my sign...I just now saw this when I clicked on shop stats. I hope you like your sign. My family definitely can relate to 'simplify'. We used to live a crazy, hectic life in Southern California...two daughters, one was a cheerleader, the other one was acting...seemed like we were never just together and calm...we moved to South Carolina last year and the girls have yet to get involved in anything, I am not working yet and we are all living a very laid back life. It's been a nice change of pace. I do miss being involved a bit but for the most part it has brought us so much closer as a family. :)