Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Last night I bought some stuff online. I had a giftcard. There was a sale at The Limited. The dresses I've been eyeing for months were on their final sale. My favorite trouser pants were on sale. I had a 20% off coupon. Everything was screaming at me: "Buy ME!" So, I ended my challenge. I also came to the realization that shopping online makes my life much more simple.

I am a working Mom. And if you add in the fact that I live in a super small town, you'll come up with the top two reasons I enjoy shopping online. 1) I don't have much time so 'shop around'. 2) I don't have much time to drive to the 'city' and buy all of the things we so desperately need [insert sarcastic voice].

Another reason: Shopping online provides me with a little retail therapy...retail therapy that can be done at midnight, in my lounge pants, in my bed, with a glass of wine, while watching The Bachelor. Enough said.

So, judge me all you want for not following through on my challenge...but, I am done with it. I made it 21 days...which is not bad in my book.

What I am going to challenge myself to do [forever] is not respond to every coupon, email, savings pass, etc. that I get for all of my favorite stores. I'm slowing it down. Only buying when I've really thought about it...

Now...I'm off to buy some Valentines Day goodies on Amazon. Gotta have 'em, right?!

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